Surrounded by Children
I can honestly say that we are so blessed to be surrounded by children. We have many nieces, nephews and cousins all of whom we absolutely adore. Sometimes time with them is a welcome relief from our struggle with fertility. I love how children live in the moment entirely and teach us how to truly be present, however sometimes, time with them just leaves an emptiness behind once they’ve gone and all is quiet again, the silence can be deafening. Part of the rollercoaster ride of fertility struggles is never knowing which feeling you’ll be left with after spending time with families with children. Never in my life had I felt the need to shut the door on opportunities to spend time with people I love, however when you’re struggling with fertility sometimes you force yourself to retreat. You make yourself shrink, you want a big hole to swallow you up with all your pain. That is no way to you get back up..... you face the day with the family regardless of whether you’ll ...