Deciding to start a family.

Hello beautiful people! 

My name is Zoe, I’m 33 and my partner Sean is 31.

We’ve been together for almost 7 years and are currently saving, working towards all the things most couples want, a home to call our own 🏡 a wedding 👰 🤵 and maybe one day a family 👶🏻 

We started trying to conceive in Jan of 2016 and boy has it been a rollercoaster

I’m sharing our story in the hopes that one day we will live in a world where pregnancy announcements are never an April fools joke, where men and women who have struggled to conceive don’t feel ashamed to talk about their experiences and to be in a society that doesn’t forget about childless people wether it’s their choice or not.

#tryingtoconceiveuk #fertilityjourneys #coupleswhodream
